This song has been finished for a while but I kept putting off doing the final tweaks on the mix before releasing a version to the wide world of web. I guess I also had some grand plans to include a video clip for the song as well. But time has not allowed for that as of late, but hopefully sometime in the future.
This track was born out of another track that was on the cards for a sound track job that I was working on with The Champion & His Burning Flame (new album soon) and then it was possibly going to be on said album but finally ended up finding a home as a Board of Transportation (BOT) track.
Dave worked up a loose bed of reversed guitar notes to form chords as a variation of Bryan’s Theme – a thematic idea from Bryan Bergmann for the sound track project. There were 4 variations of Brian’s Theme and this was the 3rd and compared to the others it was quite “different”. Dave and the guys handed it over to me to “do something with” for the sound track project. I muted some bits and pieces and then added the vocal “ahhs” using a Logic instrument. This was a pretty loose 2 chord vamp which gave a bit more structure to the arrhythmic reverse guitar but it just started to make sense.
Keeping with the atmospheric nature of the track we recorded some stereo “noise” one sunny autumn (fall for those playing in US) afternoon just outside the studio. Tim was reading Russian poetry from his ipod touch, Dave was playing ukulele in a random fashion and I was wandering left to right rustling leaves. I grabbed that, reversed, EQ’d and tinkered to create a moving noise bed to add some depth to the track.
Next up we tried some drum parts for the track, provided by Mr. Tim Twinem. With no real “rhythm” to the track he managed to add another layer of structure with the big signature beat he laid down. Originally I had an idea to do more of a “drum’n’bass” sort of thing which was more fast paced but it wasn’t working. Plus the slower beat allowed more room for the “expansive” kick reverb and the reversed snare and kick samples.
A few weeks later Dave came around one Saturday for some “music time” and he laid down 2 vocal tracks, literally 2, and I am pretty sure there were no lyrics written. Again at this stage the thought was that this track might end up on the next Champion album.
Fast forward around 6 – 7 months and I am back in Australia and semi-settled and I figure it’s time to take another look at the song. I start fiddling with some mix ideas and cutting out bits and pieces. I finally ended up recording the harmony vocals behind the “chorus” section and some filler bits in the verse type sections. I sent through a rough mix to Dave, thumbs up, wait 3 months to actually finish the final mix which only took an afternoon of and on and voila!
Fresh Board of Transportation tracks. Download a copy for you favourite listening device and h’enjoy.