Music production is the art of having a vision for a song or group of songs and being able to execute that vision.
As a recording and mix engineer I approach music production in a hands on way. From scratch tracks and demos to completely finished ready for release.
As a vocalist I can help artists get the best out of their vocal performances.
As a songwriter I understand all aspects of the process and can help write or adjust as necessary.
Below are some projects I’ve worked on as a producer.

A Saddle & Open Plains
This spaghetti western soundtrack piece started as an exercise to better understand and dissect one of the most infamous pieces… Read more A Saddle & Open Plains

Board Of Transportation
A personal project that came from some sessions I had been doing with The Champion & His Burning Flame. Dave… Read more Board Of Transportation

Bring Me The West
This royalty free spaghetti western track was a bit of a composition and production exercise for me. The goal was… Read more Bring Me The West

East of Ephesus
For this royalty free track I was foolin’ around with a beautiful Armenian Duduk sound and the main motif started… Read more East of Ephesus

Fear Of Flight
Great songs with great arrangements make mixing a pleasure. I mix this 5 track EP for “fear of flight” as… Read more Fear Of Flight

Lines & Powerlines
This is an acoustic cover of the Board of Transportation song “Lines & Powerlines”. It features 12-string and baritone acoustic… Read more Lines & Powerlines

Lydia Jack
I worked with up-and-coming producer Seban8tor on these tracks for Lydia Jack. I was on mixing and additional production duty… Read more Lydia Jack

Marrow & The Broken Bones
“Growing grass, breaking glass, bones and blood, dirt and mud, mathematics and creepy love”. This is how Marrow describes themselves and I agree. I first… Read more Marrow & The Broken Bones

New Beginnings
This was a song that came together out of some “noodling” on guitar in the studio while I was working… Read more New Beginnings

Right Lane Turning
No one can deny that series like Stranger Things helped to thrust the synthwave/retrowave genre into the mainstream. I’d become… Read more Right Lane Turning